ACCC – For Small Business
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Is there a chance that your staff make claims to customers even though you are not 100% sure they are true?
Have you ever left out key information because you thought disclosing it would kill a deal?
Could you be lying in your ads?
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) focuses on taking action that most promotes the proper functioning of Australian markets, protects competition, improves consumer welfare and stops conduct that is anti-competitive or harmful to consumers.
About the course
- Misleading Conduct and Advertising
- Pricing and Unfair Selling Practices
- Consumer Rights and Guarantees
- Selling Safe Products
- Scams
- Unfair Contract Terms
- Unconscionable Conduct
- Exclusive Dealing and Resale Price Maintenance
- Misuse of Market Power
- Cartels
- Concerted Practices
- Collective Bargaining and Boycott
- Country of Origin Labelling
How Can I Learn – Online